
我想做一個點了會移動9格拼圖..現在已經可以開始玩了(每次出現可隨機排列...點了可正常移動..)..只差最後完成時按下按鈕讓電腦能出現過關訊號....我用FOR NEXT迴圈逐一檢查在各位置的PIC BOX 是否為正確圖片(寫在Private Sub Command1_Click())中...但是不知道為什麼不行..能不能請你指點指點...謝謝謝謝...感激感激..^_______^..

Dim i, a, p, q, t, x1, y1 As Integer
Dim i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7 As Integer
Dim u As Boolean
Dim x(7) As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
For i0 = 0 To 7
 If (Pic2(i0).Left = 0) And (Pic2(i0).Top = 0) And (Pic2(i0)=LoadPicture (A"\1. 1.jpg")) Then
  For i1 = 0 To 7
  If (Pic2(i1).Left = 1800) And (Pic2(i1).Top = 0) And (Pic2(i1) = LoadPicture("A:\1. 2.jpg")) Then
  For i2 = 0 To 7
  If (Pic2(i2).Left = 3600) And (Pic2(i2).Top = 0) And (Pic2(i2) = LoadPicture = ("A:\1. 3.jpg")) Then
   For i3 = 0 To 7
   If (Pic2(i3).Left = 1800) And (Pic2(i3).Top = 2040) And (Pic2(i3) = LoadPicture("A:\1. 4.jpg")) Then
   For i4 = 0 To 7
   If (Pic2(i4).Left = 3600) And (Pic2(i4).Top = 2040) And (Pic2(i4) = LoadPicture("A:\1. 5.jpg")) Then
    For i5 = 0 To 7
    If (Pic2(i5).Left = 0) And (Pic2(i5).Top = 4080) And (Pic2(i5) = LoadPicture("A:\1. 6.jpg")) Then
    For i6 = 0 To 7
    If (Pic2(i6).Left = 1800) And (Pic2(i6).Top = 4080) And (Pic2(i6) = LoadPicture("A:\1. 7.jpg")) Then
     For i7 = 0 To 7
     If (Pic2(i7).Left = 3600) And (Pic2(i7).Top = 4080) And (Pic2(i7) = LoadPicture("A:\1. 8.jpg")) Then
       MsgBox ("恭喜妳...妳過關囉..")
     End If
    End If
    End If
   End If
   End If
  End If
  End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
u = True
Dim i, a, p, q, t As Integer
Dim x(7) As Integer
Dim site As String
q = 0
For a = 0 To 7
 i = Int(Rnd() * 8) + 1
 x(a) = i
While q < 500
For a = 0 To 7
  For p = 0 To 7
   If x(a) = x(p) And (a > p Or a < p) Then
   i = Int(Rnd() * 8) + 1
   x(a) = i
   End If
q = q + 1
For a = 0 To 7
site = ("A:\1." & Str(x(a)) & ".jpg")
Pic2(a) = LoadPicture(site)
Lbl.Caption = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Pic2_Click(Index As Integer)
t = Index
If Pic2(t).Top > PicSpace.Top Or Pic2(t).Top < PicSpace.Top Then
  If Abs(Pic2(t).Left - PicSpace.Left) < 1800 And Abs(Pic2(t).Top - PicSpace.Top) <= 2040 Then
   x1 = Pic2(t).Left
   y1 = Pic2(t).Top
   Pic2(t).Left = PicSpace.Left
   Pic2(t).Top = PicSpace.Top
   PicSpace.Left = x1
   PicSpace.Top = y1
   Lbl.Caption = Lbl.Caption + 1
  End If
End If
If Pic2(t).Left > PicSpace.Left Or Pic2(t).Left < PicSpace.Left Then
  If Abs(Pic2(t).Left - PicSpace.Left) <= 1800 And Abs(Pic2(t).Top - PicSpace.Top) < 2040 Then
   x1 = Pic2(t).Left
   y1 = Pic2(t).Top
   Pic2(t).Left = PicSpace.Left
   Pic2(t).Top = PicSpace.Top
   PicSpace.Left = x1
   PicSpace.Top = y1
   Lbl.Caption = Lbl.Caption + 1
  End If
End If

End Sub