甚樣用Outlook send email 給多過一個人?(編號:3838)

我想利用以下的程式send email 給多個一個人及CC給其他人,但以下的程式只能send給一個人,我應如何寫才能做到呢?
(VB6.0, SP3,Outlook97)
Public Function OutLookMailto(OutLooks As Outlook.Application,ByVal strSubject As String, _
ByVal strText As String, colAddrList As Collection, _
colAttachments As Collection) As Boolean
Dim Mail As MailItem
Dim strTemp
Set Mail = OutLooks.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With Mail
   For Each strTemp In colAddrList
    .Recipients.Add strTemp 
   For Each strTemp In colAttachments
     .Attachments.Add strTemp  'Attach的File
   .Subject = strSubject
   .Body = strText 
End With
Set Mail = Nothing
OutLookMailto = True
Exit Function
OutLookMailto = False
End Function