唉!我連上SQL Server做大批異動的效率真差(編號:4073)

各位VB、SQL Server先進您好:
我使用VB6.0的adodb連SQL 7.0(SP2),我要做大批資料異動但顯然我的程式有問題,不然就是我太笨,輸入檔有近四百萬筆、二百多MB,合併轉入SQL資料庫後近四萬筆、近三百MB,PIII-600、512MBram郤run有夠久,我用NT工作管理員檢視vb及sql server(裝在同一台)的記憶體使用量、分頁錯誤、虛擬記憶體使用量,從一開始的幾十MB成長到幾百MB以上,愈來愈慢,不是說可以處理到GB以上的資料庫嗎?
Option Explicit
Private objConn As ADODB.Connection
Private objRec As ADODB.Recordset
Private objCmd As ADODB.Command
Dim strHTML As String
Dim bswitch As Boolean
Dim ncount As Integer
Dim cprodno As String
Dim cpassid As String
Dim cemails As String
Dim cprodnm As String
Dim cdeptno As String
Dim ccodens As String
Dim nline As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim replyval
Dim runstr As String
Dim checkstr As String
Dim strConnectionString As String
  Dim strFileName As String
  '須先設定引用項目microsoft ActiveX DATA object 2.1 library(選取過一次即可)
  'strConnectionString = "Provider=;Integrated Security=SSPI;" _
            & "Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=payroll;Data Source=sqserver"
  strConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1" & ";Password=quser" _
            & ";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=qsysopr" _
            & ";Initial Catalog=dbsroll" & ";Data Source=sqserver"
Select Case Index
case 0
Case 1
  Set objConn = New ADODB.Connection
  objConn.Open strConnectionString
  Set objCmd = New ADODB.Command
  Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
  runstr = "drop table dbsroll.dbo.qm07"
  objCmd.CommandText = runstr
  On Error Resume Next
  Set objRec = objCmd.Execute
  Set objCmd = New ADODB.Command
  Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
  runstr = "CREATE TABLE dbsroll.dbo.qm07 (" & _
  " [prodno] [char] (6) NOT NULL primary key," & _
  "[deptno] [char] (4) NOT NULL ," & _
  "[passid] [char] (10) NULL ," & _
  "[prodnm] [char] (14) NULL ," & _
  "[codens] [char] (16) NULL ," & _
  "[emails] [varchar] (50) NULL ," & _
  objCmd.CommandText = runstr
  Set objRec = objCmd.Execute

  ncount = 0
  nline = 0
  bswitch = False

'開啟ADODB 物件。
  Set objConn = New ADODB.Connection
  objConn.Open strConnectionString
  Set objRec = New ADODB.Recordset
  objConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
  objRec.Open "qm07", objConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic

    Open App.Path & "\" & "original.htm" For Input As #1
    Do While Not EOF(1)
      PutToData1 strFileName, objRec
    Close #1

' 關閉ADODB 物件。
  Set objConn = Nothing
  Set objRec = Nothing
  Set objCmd = Nothing
  Set objConn = New ADODB.Connection
  objConn.Open strConnectionString
  Set objCmd = New ADODB.Command
  Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
  runstr = "select count(*) from dbsroll.dbo.qm07"
  objCmd.CommandText = runstr
  On Error Resume Next
  Set objRec = objCmd.Execute

Text1.Text = "從original.htm轉入SQL資料庫,共" & objRec.Fields(0).Value & "筆"

Case 2
Case 3
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub PutToData1(ByVal strFileName As String, objRec As ADODB.Recordset)
Dim strX As String
  Dim strY As String
  Line Input #1, strX
  If Left(strX, 2) = "**" Then
    If bswitch Then
      With objRec
        !deptno = cdeptno
        !prodno = cprodno
        !emails = cemails
        !prodnm = cprodnm
        !passid = cpassid
        !codens = ccodens
        !htmltx = strHTML
      End With

      bswitch = True
    End If
    cdeptno = Mid(strX, 3, 4)
    cprodno = Mid(strX, 7, 6)
    cpassid = Mid(strX, 13, 10)
    strY = Trim(Mid(strX, 23, 28))
    If Len(strY) > 10 Then
        cemails = "<" & strY & ">"
        cemails = " "
    End If
    cprodnm = Mid(strX, 51, 6)
    ccodens = Mid(strX, 57, 7)
    strHTML = ""
        strHTML = strHTML + Trim(strX) + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
  End If
End Sub