Private Sub cmdDestImage2_Click()
'The DestImageControl property must be set to match
'the value specified in the ImgEdit's ImageControl property.
'This would scan to an ImgEdit control referred to as ImgEdit1
ImgScan1.DestImageControl = "ImgEdit1"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()
'Initialize the Image property to check for Cancel pressed.
'When the dialog box is shown, check for a value in the
'Image property.
ImgAdmin1.Image = ""
'Specify a dialog title and a list filter rather than using
'the defaults.
ImgAdmin1.DialogTitle = "Select Image for Display"
ImgAdmin1.Filter = "All Image Files !*.bmp; *.jpg; *.tif! Bitmap Files(*.bmp)!*. bmp! JPG Files (*.jpg)!*.jpg! TIFF Files (*.tif)!*.tif!All Files (*.*)!*.*!"
' Default filter will be TIFF (fourth item).
ImgAdmin1.FilterIndex = 4
'Set the InitDir property to the preferred directory.
ImgAdmin1.InitDir = "C:\images"
ImgAdmin1.CancelError = False
'Note: if you have Server Access software installed this
'will automatically be enabled in the Open dialog box after
'the user authenticates.
ImgAdmin1.ShowFileDialog OpenDlg, Form1.hWnd
'Determine if a file was selected or cancel was pressed
If ImgAdmin1.Image = "" Then Exit Sub
'Set the image properties in the Image Edit and Thumbnail controls
'to the name of the file selected in the dialog box.
ImgEdit1.Image = ImgAdmin1.Image
ImgThumbnail1.Image = ImgAdmin1.Image
'Display the image in the ImgEdit and Thumbnail control.
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSaveAs_Click()
ImgAdmin1.ShowFileDialog SaveDlg
ImgEdit1.SaveAs ImgAdmin1.Image
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDestImage_Click()
'If there are multiple ImgEdit controls within an
'application, use the DestImage control to define
'which image window to place annotation marks on.
'ImageControl names will default to ImgEdit1, ImgEdit2,
'etc. at the time the controls are drawn. The control
'name could be changed at design time if desired.
'Draw a straight line on the Image Edit control whose
'ImageControl name is ImgEdit2
ImgAnnTool1.DestImageControl = "ImgEdit2"
ImgAnnTool1.AnnotationType = wiStraightLine
'ImgAnnTool1.Draw 10, 10, 100, 100
'Sets the AnnotationType to a filled rectangle and
'the fill color of the rectangle to blue using Visual
'Basic color constants.
ImgAnnTool1.AnnotationType = wiFilledRect '4
ImgAnnTool1.AnnotationFillColor = vbBlue
'Draw the blue rectangle on the Image Edit control whose
'ImageControl name is ImgEdit1
ImgAnnTool1.DestImageControl = "ImgEdit1"
ImgAnnTool1.Draw 10, 10, 100, 100
End Sub
Private Sub cmdToolPal_Click()
'An example of showing the annotation tool palette with user
'defined tooltips. If Tool tips are not specified default values
'are provided
'True parameter allows user to right click on a tool on the
'palette to set attributes (color, size, etc) for that tool
'If location is not specified, palette is positioned relative
'to ImgEdit control
ToolTips$ = "Tool Tip #1!Tool Tip #2!Tool Tip #3!Tool Tip #4!Tool Tip #5!Tool Tip #6!Tool Tip #7!Tool Tip #8!Tool Tip #9!Tool Tip #10!Tool Tip #11"
'Tool palette will appear in its default location since it is not specified
ImgEdit1.ShowAnnotationToolPalette True, , , ToolTips$
End Sub
Private Sub cmdInsert_Click()
'Use the ImgAdmin control to select a file for display
'in the ImgEdit control.
ImgAdmin1.ShowFileDialog OpenDlg '0
ImgEdit1.Image = ImgAdmin1.Image
'For insert or append, set the Scan control's
'Image property.
ImgScan1.Image = ImgAdmin1.Image
'MultiPage property must be set to True in order to
'create files with more than one page.
ImgScan1.MultiPage = True
ImgScan1.PageOption = InsertPages '3
ImgScan1.Page = 1
ImgScan1.FileType = TIFF '1
'Scan using the Scan Page dialog box.
End Sub