
Create an application in VB that does the following:
It brings up a frame with the titlebar "Main". The size of the frame
is 3270x2730 twips. This frame contains three command buttons centered
in the frame. Their sizes are 1215x495, they are aligned one below the
other evenly spaced apart. The top button contains the text "Manipulate
string", the second one "Show color cycle", the third one "Exit".
Pressing on "Manipulate string" brings up an input box without a title,
with the prompt string "Type a string", with one OK button and one
Cancel button. The user can now type a string and then hit return or
OK or Cancel.
When the input box disappears, another frame comes up. This frame has
the title "String results". Its size is 5820X3015 twips. This frame's
position must be so that its left edge exactly touches the right edge
of the "Main" frame and its upper edge is exactly at the same height
as the upper edge of the "Main" frame.

Aligned to the left this frame has four text strings. The first says
"String", the second "Length of string", the third "Reverse string",
and the fourth "Number of words". To the right of each string is
another string of size 3255x495 and of flat appearance, white. In
these white areas will be displayed the results of the string manipula-
tions. In the first the string itself that the user has typed. In the
second the length of the string; in the third the reverse string; and
in the fourth the number of words in the string. These results are all
centered. The first and the third have a font size of 12, the second
and fourth a font size of 14. This frame is removed by the user by
clicking the cross button.
When the user clicks "Show color cycle" in the "Main" frame, another
frame comes up that also aligns with the "Main " frame the same way
as the "String results" frame. It has no controls in it and is all
white. Its titlebar is "Color cycle". Its size is 2565x2415. When
clicking on this frame, its color changes through the colors red,
green, blue, yellow, magenta, and cyan, and keeps cycling through
these indefinitely. This frame is removed by the user by clicking on
the cross button.
The "Color cycle" frame and the "String results" frame cannot be on
the screen at the same time.
Clicking on the "Exit" button in the "Main" frame exits the whole