Sending Messages with Outlook(編號:2123)

以下是阿呆在www找到 Sending Messages with Outlook 的方法:
You will need to create a Reference to Microsoft Outlook 98 Object Model.
To create this reference for Visual Basic 5 or 6 goto Project / References. Then select Microsoft Outlook 98 Model.

The basOutlook module contains a single routine that calls several methods within the Outlook object model.
Public Sub OutlookSendMessage(sRecipient As String, sSubject As String, _
sMessage As String, _
Optional eImportance As OlImportance = olImportanceNormal)
Sample Usage
OutlookSendMessage "", "Subject Title", "Hi, how r u!?"
問題是當阿呆安裝完MS Outlook後, 找不到Outlook 98 Object Module, 只能在"設定引用項目"找到
Outlook 8.0 object library. 阿呆沒理會到, 只選了 Outlook 8.0 object library. 但當阿呆在Form1的button
加入OutlookSendMessage "", "Subject Title", "Hi, how r u!?" 時, 就說找不到sub 或 method.
阿呆不知那個OutlookSendMessage 是API 或是什麼的function. 想問問要加上什麼的bas 才能用到,那裏找到?