加強型 MSFlexGrid 的問題(編號:5703)

以下程式是小弟將 "CWW的VB心得筆記"中的一段修改的,但是確發生了只要連接資料庫且資料庫中無資料,用滑鼠點欄位Row1 時無任何動作,不知那位先進能幫小弟解決.....
Option Explicit
Private OldText As String
Private ColSelect() As Boolean
Private SaveCellBkColor As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Visible = False
With MSFlexGrid1
.Cols = 10
   .Rows = 15
   ReDim ColSelect(1 To .Cols - 1)
   SaveCellBkColor = .CellBackColor
   Call InitGrid
   .AllowBigSelection = True
   .FillStyle = flexFillRepeat
   '.AllowUserResizing = True '請事先設好
   Dim i As Variant
   For i = 1 To .Cols
    .ColWidth(i) = 1000
End With
End Sub
Private Sub InitGrid()
Dim i As Long
With MSFlexGrid1
.Row = 0
 For i = 1 To .Cols - 1
   .Col = i: .Text = "Col" + Format(i, "00") '若Cols超出99,則修改Format
 Next           '的格式
End With
With MSFlexGrid1
.Col = 0
 For i = 1 To .Rows - 1
   .Row = i: .Text = i
End With
'Dim width5 As Long
'With MSFlexGrid1
'   width5 = .Width \ .Cols
'  For i = 0 To .Cols - 1
'     .ColWidth(i) = width5
'   Next
'End With
End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim inMostLeft As Boolean
Dim inMostTop As Boolean
Call ProcMultiColSel(Shift)
With MSFlexGrid1
If Button = vbKeyRButton Then
  '按mouse 右鍵且位於最上列/最左行則是更動title
  If .MouseCol = 0 Or .MouseRow = 0 Then
    Call toEditGrid(.MouseCol, .MouseRow)
  End If
  If Button = vbKeyLButton Then
    If .ColSel = .Col And .RowSel = .Row Then
     Call toEditGrid(.Col, .Row)
    End If
  End If
   End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn And Not Text1.Visible Then
With MSFlexGrid1
  Call toEditGrid(.Col, .Row)
  End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Change()
MSFlexGrid1.Text = Text1.Text
End Sub
'按下Down/Up 時結束TextBox的Keyin
Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then
Text1.Visible = False
  SendKeys "{up}"
If KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then
   Text1.Visible = False
   SendKeys "{down}"
 End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
KeyAscii = 0
  Text1.Visible = False
End If
If KeyAscii = vbKeyEscape Then
KeyAscii = 0
  MSFlexGrid1.Text = OldText
  Text1.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_LostFocus()
Text1.Visible = False
End Sub
'設定TextBox於MSFlexGrid1的Current Cell上
Private Sub toEditGrid(ByVal C As Integer, ByVal R As Integer)
With MSFlexGrid1
.Col = C: .Row = R
  Text1.Left = .Left + .ColPos(C)
  Text1.Top = .Top + .RowPos(R)
  If .Appearance = flex3D Then
   Text1.Left = Text1.Left + 2 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
   Text1.Top = Text1.Top + 2 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
  End If
    Dim i As Variant
   For i = 0 To .Cols
    .ColWidth(i) = 1000

Text1.Width = .ColWidth(C)
  Text1.Height = .RowHeight(R)
  Text1.Text = .Text
  OldText = .Text
End With
Text1.Visible = True
Text1.SelStart = Len(Text1.Text)
Text1.BackColor = &H80FF80
End Sub
'以下程式處理Multi-column Selection的問題
Private Sub ProcMultiColSel(ByVal Shift As Integer)
Dim i As Long, HaveSel As Boolean
Dim SelSt As Long, SelEnd As Long
Dim OldRowSel As Long, OldColSel As Long
With MSFlexGrid1
OldRowSel = .RowSel: OldColSel = .ColSel
If HaveSelEntireCol Then
  SelSt = IIf(.Col <= .ColSel, .Col, .ColSel)
  SelEnd = IIf(.Col > .ColSel, .Col, .ColSel)
  For i = SelSt To SelEnd
    ColSelect(i) = True
  .CellBackColor = .BackColorSel
  If Shift <> vbCtrlMask Then '沒有按Ctl鍵則清除其他Column的Selection
   Call RefreshCols(SelSt, SelEnd)
  End If
HaveSel = False
  For i = 1 To .Cols - 1
    HaveSel = HaveSel
  If HaveSel Then
   Call RefreshAll
  End If
End If
.RowSel = OldRowSel
.ColSel = OldColSel
End With
End Sub
Private Function HaveSelEntireCol() As Boolean
With MSFlexGrid1
If .RowSel = (.Rows - 1) And .Row = 1 Then
HaveSelEntireCol = True
HaveSelEntireCol = False
End If
End With
End Function
Private Sub RefreshAll()
Dim SaveCol As Long, SaveRow As Long, i As Long
With MSFlexGrid1
SaveCol = .Col: SaveRow = .Row
  .Col = 1: .Row = 1
  .ColSel = .Cols - 1: .RowSel = .Rows - 1
   MSFlexGrid1.CellBackColor = SaveCellBkColor
  .Col = SaveCol: .Row = SaveRow
  .ColSel = SaveCol: .RowSel = SaveRow
  For i = 1 To .Cols - 1
  ColSelect(i) = False
End With
End Sub
'清除其他Column的Selection除了columns From Selst to SelEnd外,其他清除
Private Sub RefreshCols(ByVal SelSt As Long, ByVal SelEnd As Long)
Dim SaveCol As Long, SaveRow As Long, i As Long
With MSFlexGrid1
SaveCol = .Col: SaveRow = .Row
  For i = 1 To .Cols - 1
   If Not (i >= SelSt And i <= SelEnd) And ColSelect(i) Then
  .Col = i: .Row = 1
  .ColSel = i: .RowSel = .Rows - 1
  MSFlexGrid1.CellBackColor = SaveCellBkColor
  ColSelect(i) = False
   End If
  .Col = SaveCol: .Row = SaveRow
  .ColSel = SaveCol: .RowSel = SaveRow
End With
End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Scroll()
SendKeys "{ESC}"
End Sub